Hybrid Backup
Last updated
Hybrid Backup (a feature added in NovaBACKUP 21.1) is our term for the ability to take an existing at rest (non-image backup) backup and copy it to the Cloud Device (the job run status once it gets to that stage will state "Archiving"). In that case the settings of the backup job allows the "Hybrid Backup" option to be enabled, per backup job, to be able to define the target Cloud Device to store that at rest backup to, and be able to define the "Maximum Cloud Backup Age" setting there for the retention setting, before the changes then roll up to the single full seed backup. The retention is independent for both the 'Local Backup' device and the 'Hybrid Backup' device (which is the Cloud S3 device that you associated as the Hybrid Backup Config settings Cloud Device to Backup to setting), and the retention is independent of those two backup devices then at that point. If you restore a backup and the 'Local Backup' device cannot be reached, then it will attempt to restore that data from the 'Cloud Backup' device automatically instead.
Notice: In the initial implementation of the "Hybrid Backup" feature, if that setting is enabled then the secondary "Hybrid Backup" backup portion of the 'Local Backup' device backup job that this option is enabled in will start when the currently running backup job completes storing to the 'Local Backup' device, to start storing to the Cloud Device (which could be much slower than the local backup device depending on your internet bandwidth of course to store to the cloud) after that. In that case it will extend the time of your backup job quite a bit, so you may want to either disable or extend the "Maximum runtime" setting in the schedule that is assigned to a backup job that does have the "Hybrid Backup" option enabled in it, because of that. In the future we plan on allowing the flexibility to define in the same above dialog when the "Hybrid Backup" backup will start, to schedule that for a particular date and time. The retention settings for a backup job that is Hybrid enabled Local Backup and Cloud Backup devices, in the backup job settings itself, can have independent maximum backup age settings for the local backup device and for the cloud backup device in that case. And the difference will mainly be in how much data in the end is stored to each of those two devices in the end, and how often it will need to merge the backup data to roll it up into the single full seed backup that always needs to be present on the two devices in that case (it will never create a separate new full backup on the two devices, it will just managed the changes required to merge the differences up to the single full seed backup on each of those two devices in that case). If the full seed backup is ever deleted or can't be found on the next backup run however, for either of those two device types, in a Hybrid Backup enabled backup job, it will be required to then produce a new full seed backup on the device in question where that single full seed that it is expecting to find still stored is missing from now (for the incremental forever backup scheme that both the 'Local Backup' and 'Cloud Backup' devices utilize).
Note: The "Hybrid Backup" setting and functionality was first added in NovaBACKUP 21.1.