Create a Local Backup Device

To simplify the process of backing up to a local storage device, this device only needs to be set up once and can then be used for every backup job. This includes USD drives, RDX-drives, and NAS.

  1. Add Encryption This is an optional step. If you'd like to encrypt your backup files, add an encryption key in the tab "Encryption".

  2. Confirm with [OK]. A connection test will be performed automatically, and after a successful test , the device will be created. If you get an error during the test, please confirm the network path and the network credentials. If you still have an issue please reference this guide here.

  3. Once the device is added successfully, you'll find your newly created device in the [Device] tab.

Note: The device's network credentials can be edited at any later time. The "Device Name" and "Folder and Network path" field value properties cannot be changed after the device has already been created. To change these two properties, you would need to create a new "Local Backup" device.

Last updated