Import backup records for individual at rest backups (this only works for the Legacy device types)
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Importing backup records (otherwise known as "restore index records"), for individual at rest backups, one by one, from a Legacy backup device that is for instance a local drive or a network folder location, to import the backup records for an individual Legacy device backup, per each individual legacy backup set .nbd file, may be necessary, if your machine crashes or you wish to restore a backup created on one computer to another computer (for instance if you want to clean install the backup client on a replacement computer but that replacement machine with the client that you installed on it has no index records in the "Restore" dialog, which will require an import to get those restore index records back. The process is simple. To get the backup restore index records contents into the current selected device in the Restore UI dialog, after clicking on the correct device type that already does exist in the "Media View" list, to select that device, which either can have no restore index records in it, under that device name, or it can have restore index records in it, but which may not be complete (or that could be corrupt due to a machine crash), back into the local NovaBACKUP client app database (and therefore be able to select files, folders and drives for restoration), follow these steps: From the Restore tab, first click on the "Import" button located near the bottom of the "Restore" dialog. Note: You would be required to enable the "Legacy Backup devices" flag in order to even see the Legacy local drive letters, so be sure to do that first!
If you run the import from the Restore Tab, you will receive an Import Source selection screen, that asks you to select the correct "Device" (that would match the device that already does exist in the "Device" tab list, but may not have any restore index records in it in that case, in this example we do have 3 total restore index records in the device but that may not always be the case, and certainly if this were a clean install of the backup client you would have no restore index entries listed under the correct device that is already selected in the main Restore dialog, before you clicked on the "Import" button in that case, so be sure that you have clicked on the correct already existing device before you click the "Import" button to then select that same device in the list that will present to you):
Browse to the individual at rest .nbd file extension backup file that you would like to import, from a Legacy backup device, and select it. If your backup is on a network, browse to the network location and select the backup file. Then enter the username and password for network credentials. Click OK to switch to the job status view and start the import process. Note that in this example we have no "Disk Backups" category yet, but after importing this individual at rest Legacy backup .ndb file, to re-create the restore index record for that individual legacy backup to import here, from the E:\ root folder, after choosing the ".ndb" file which is the blue circled file in this example, the "Disk Backups" category (which is a Legacy backup device category in that case) will be recreated, and that single individual backup restore index record will be located there (that will contain the indexed contents of that particular .nbd backup in that case).
After pressing the OK button, in the above example, the Import from the invididual Legacy backup .nbd file operation will start, and it will switch to the "Status" tab, and that Legacy device import operation may take just as long to complete the import as it did the backup in that case, and then it will state that the "Import operation completed successfully" like the example Import operation did:
And then after importing the invidividual legacy backup record, for the selected invididual at rest backup on a Legacy backup device, such as the E:\ root .nbd file in the above example case, that we browsed to in the "Select Device" dialog, it may be necessary to press the "Refresh" button on the Restore tab. All imported backups will appear under an "Imported Backups" heading in the Media View, like for this example Legacy backup device Import did:
Importing vs. Restoring
It is important to know the difference between importing and restoring. The import process does NOT restore your data to your hard drive. What it simply does is import a "listing" of available data on the imported media. This information is imported into the database and enables NovaBACKUP to create a tree listing of the data in the Restore view. From there, you will be able to select the data you would like to restore from the media and complete a restoration just like you would any other restoration.